SYCLES - INDIA'S Top marketplace to buy- sell-rent bicyles with bEST DEALS IN accessories ,PARTs and SERVICES .
You are 18 years above and have the Govt. issued IDs and bank account if you wish to post or buy any item on SYCLES Co.
You will not post/upload inappropriate items which do not fall in any of the category
Creating a fake listing on the platform without having the item .
You can create a listing for your friends ,relative,Bosses if you need to manage their listing, but legal terms and transaction will be done with owner only .
Account /cart will be reset if you fail to pay for an item inquired or book by you ,We only guarantee for sale once payment is received from the Buyer .
Account /cart will be reset if you fail to provide items posed by you for sale , Buyer generally ask more questions and failure to respond any of the inquires will lead to reset account /listing .
Interfere in someone’s listing and defaming their post/listing on other social media handles .
Adhere to all the Policies and Terms mention on SYCLES Co.
You many not use SYCLES Co. for any other unrelated usage such as sending dummy messages or inquires, send bulk emails ,sent spam emails etc. on any of SYCLES Co. medium .
You should not use SYCLES Co. website for any harmful usage or by exposing to any kind of virus ,malware attack or use any data extracting /mining tool to gather information .
You should use your account judiciously and logging to others account or resetting password for anyone’s account should not be done.
Using SYCLES Co. logo, trademark, Intellectual property, data, content write up for personal or any commercial use without prior approval from SYCLES Co. is not permitted.
Contact :-
75 ,Prasanna vastu ,bafhira nagar, marve road ,malad west ,mumbai -400095 , MAHARASHTRA , india
Tel no. +91 +919579774798
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SYCLES Marketplace
Started in 2020 in Mumbai's after seeing large Problems and Gaps in Pre-owned Bicycling segment .SYCLES Co. strives to be a one stop Marketplace to Buy -Sale your Favorite Bicycles and accessories and Much More .
We are team of talented Entrepreneurs with 20+ years of ground experiences in Bicycling and Tech /eCommerce sector. With zeal to do something for our community and passions to excel ,We believed it is right time to introduce 1st E-commerce Marketplace for Indian Cyclist and Enthusiasts .
Team SYCLES, Welcomes you to the Ride !!!!
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© 2025 SYCLES Co. , A division of Earthman Group . All Rights Reserved. | Mumbai | INDIA