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Kashmir to Kanyakumari Cycling Expedition 2021

:- By Sarah B. 

Subhash Rabhaji Waje, Vijay Shesherao Gavana and Sheik Syed has been included for the fastest trio cycling from Srinagar( Kashmir) to kanyakumari ( Tamil Nadu) in 14 days 20 hours and 40 minutes from 24th December 2021at 6:20 am to 8 January at 3:00 am


No of Cyclists: 3

Subhash Rabhaji Waje

Vijay Sheshrao Gavane

Sheik Syed

Start Date: Friday, 24th Dec, 2021 – 06:20 Hrs


  • Start Location: Lal Chowk, Srinagar
  • Finish Date: Friday, 8th Jan, 2021 – 03:00 Hrs
  • Finish Location: Beach, Kanyakumari
  • Total Distance: ~3550 kms
  • Duration: 14 days, 20 hours and 30 mins
  • Mode of Travel: Cycling
  • Type of Ride: Self Supported Group Ride (all tools, spares, cloths, nutrition, etc., were carried along with us on our cycles – NO support or Back-up vehicles)

These three cyclist have known each other since a long time  and they have been participating in various sport activities. They have been always enthusiastic about cycling and they are keen not only in Cycling but also in running and several athletic events.  By profession, Mr .Subhash Rabhaji Waje is  into logistics,  Mr. Vijay Shesherao Gavana is into IT and Mr. Sheik Syed is into operations.  Even in their busy schedule they opted cycling as their passion . They have cycled to numerous long distant places and so this journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari wasn’t a difficult task for them because they were already well prepared for this but yes it was an extreme journey for them and  had to go through a lot of circumstances.


The trio met in a cycling group. Even the three of them  have formed a cycling group where anyone can join in, which they initiate copious events to keep people inspired and influenced.  They also go for long distant rides every weekend to keep people motivated.  In general,  they’ve been doing a great job for the community where fitness and health should be given the utmost importance and cycling is something with tremendous benefits to a person.

Mr. Vijay Shesherao Gavana mentioned that he does cycling in his daily regime So he cycles from home to office to home which is overall 40 kms.


They also mentioned that during the COVID-19 pandemic many people opted cycling. People became conscious about their health and immunity. So cycling is something that anyone can ride and it’s an easy exercise.


They didn’t figure out at the start that they would be able to break the previous record but while being on their journey they checked the initial records and realized that they could be able to make it to  the final destination and break the previous record so it wasn’t planned from the start but yes they were happy that they made it .


They also met a lot of people belonging to different states and cultures. They interacted with them , knew more about their culture and also tried their various food item. The people also got inspired from them  that they came from a very far away place to cycle from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.


They came up with this idea because they wanted to do something great,  something extreme and so they decided to take off an extreme journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.

During the trip, there were lot of hindrances. But despite of the challenges they made it to the destination.


They stated their journey in the end of December and decided to complete by first week of January and yes throughout the journey there were lot of hindrances that occurred.  The weather was bad on the first day ( -1°C)  and it was extremely freezing.  They didn’t even have a support vehicle to carry their stuff/luggages so that was obvious they had to carry it by themselves.  It was a self supported ride. There were lot of technical issues like the one of their cycle’s peddle was broken once, tyre got punctured a lot of times so they had to take care of that. But despite of all problems they somehow managed it by themselves.  They were well prepared beforehand and carried all the equipments such as spare tubes and tires, puncture kit, power bank, air pump and other necessities.


They also talked about what makes a great cyclist. According to them a cyclist should be persistent and passionate. Anyone can cycle but to be a great cyclist one should opt cycling on their daily basis and it would be more better if everyone starts cycling in their everyday lives. A cyclist should have a clear mindset . If he or she isn’t determined or ready to opt cycling then it’s of no use .




The only message they want to tell the upcoming cyclist is that there aren’t any limits or boundaries. Nothing is impossible unless and until a person keeps trying. A person should be consistent and have a clear mindset.





The trio will never give up on cycling and won’t stop cycling. Cycling has always been a part in their life. This was just the start. They want to achieve a lot more things in future.





They are planning to do the golden quadrilateral (Golden Quadrilateral is a network of highways connecting India’s four top metropolitan cities, namely Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, thereby, forming a quadrilateral)

So they will be going cycling from Mumbai to Chennai and then Chennai to Kolkata and Kolkata to Delhi and again back to Mumbai . So overall it’s a 6000 km distance and they are planning to finish it in 15 days.






This is what a true inspirational story we all need to know and learn new things from them. Hats off to these guys who made their dreams come true and are self- motivated.

Kashmir to Kanyakumari Cycling Expedition

Day 1 -Lal Chowk, Srinagar, J&K to Udhampur, J&K

Day 2 – Udhampur, J&K to Nakodar, Punjab

Day 3 -Nakodar, Punjab to Ratia,Haryana

Day 4 -Ratia,Haryana toFathehpur, Haryana

Day 5 – Fathehpur, Haryana to Bhandhanwara, Rajasthan

Day 6 – Bhandhanwara, Rajasthan to Mandsour, MP

Day 7 – Mandsour, MP to Dhar, MP

Day 8 – Dhar, MP to Dhule, MH

Day 9 – Dhule, MH to Aurangabad, MH

Day 10 – Aurangabad, MH to Osmanabad, MH

Day 11 – Osmanabad, MH to Hunagund, KA

Day 12 – Hunagund, KA to Chitradurga, KA

Day 13 – Chitradurga, KA to Bangalore, KA

Day 14 – Bangalore, KA to Virudhunagar, TN

Day 15 – Virudhunagar, TN to Kanyakumari, TN

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